TMP can provide scholarships for students thanks to the support of our sponsors and partners: Washington Research Foundation, Alaska Airlines, Boeing, CAHNRS, CAS, CVM, and VCEA.
Research Scholarships
Undergraduate research experiences can play a pivotal role in students’ career development.
Priority Deadlines
Travel During Academic Term Deadline Summer April 1 Fall August 1 Spring December 1
Applications will continue to be received, reviewed, and awarded upon the availability of funds.
Award Amounts
Up to $750 per semester; Summer amount may vary depending on availability of matching funds by college, faculty, research lab)
Be a current or former TMP mentee or mentor
Be in good academic standing
Identify a faculty mentor and a research project (doesn’t need to be a TMP Faculty Mentor)
Complete TMP Research Application and commit to provide a summary report on the impact of the research experience in your educational goals upon completion of the project
Complete a research agreement form in collaboration with your mentor
Present research at WSU SURCA, regional, national conference, and/or a TMP event
Faculty Mentors
Faculty Requirements
Must provide student with research project
Must supervise and mentor student
Must assist student to write a progress report, make a research poster, and prepare for a research presentation, such as at SURCA, WSU, or regional/national conference
Faculty Benefits
Access to highly motivated undergraduate students with a funding source
Help bridge the access and achievement gap of underserved students pursuing STEM and/or Health disciplines and careers
Travel Scholarships
TMP students interested in studying abroad or attending a regional or national conference can also apply for a travel award.
Priority Deadlines
Travel During Academic Term | Deadline |
Summer | April 1 |
Fall | April 1 |
Spring | December 1 |
Applications will be accepted and reviewed throughout the academic year. They should be submitted at least 2 weeks prior to the conference the student is planning to attend.
Award Amounts
- Usually between $150 to $500
- Be active participants in the Team Mentoring Program
- Be in good academic standing
- Complete this application and commit to provide an evaluation on the impact of the experience on their educational goals at the completion of their travel
- Must attend a Global Cougs 101 session and identify a program (for Study Abroad only)
- Attach a current resume
Other Scholarships
TMP scholars may also be eligible for the following scholarships based on their role (mentor/mentee) and level of engagement in the program:
- High Engagement (Mentees) – Up to $200/per semester
- Student Mentor Scholarship – $750/semester; Up to $1000/semester (for leads)